“An artist’s duty is to reflect the times.” Nina Simone
“If you want to make photographs, all you do is point the camera at whatever you wish; click the shutter whenever you want. If you want to judge a good photograph, ask yourself: Is life like that? The answer must be yes and no, but mostly yes.” Charles Hebutt
“...when a photograph is interesting, it’s interesting because of the kind of photographic problem it states—which has to do with the... contest between content and form… in terms of content, you can make a problem for yourself… with certain subject matter… if you run into a monkey in some idiot context, automatically you’ve got a very real problem taking place in the photograph... how do you beat it?” Garry Winogrand
"It has quite justly been said of him [Atget, who, around 1900, took photographs of deserted Paris streets] that he photographed them like scenes of crime. The scene of a crime, too, is deserted; it is photographed for the purpose of establishing evidence. With Atget, photographs become standard evidence for historical occurrences, and acquire a hidden political significance. They demand a specific kind of approach; free-floating contemplation is not appropriate to them. They stir the viewer; he feels challenged by them in a new way." Walter Benjamin, In “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”
Jason Gray in Hours of Idleness - "A Photographer's Journey in St. Louis", William C. Hutton Jr.,
Curated Exhibits
International Photography Hall of Fame, St. Louis MO
- Decisive Moments: 20th Century Street Photography, St. Louis Shoots, February 7 - May 30, 2014
Juried Shows
Fractions Art Gallery, St. Charles MO
- Inner Fall, 2011
- Beyond The Lens VI, 2012
Old Orchard Gallery, Webster MO
- 33 July, 33 Artists, 2011
Nurturing Spirit Studio, St. Louis MO
- Seducing The Third Eye, 2009
Soulard Art Market, St. Louis Mo
- I See Music, 2008
- Spoked, 2009
Other Shows
Mint Hill Fine Arts Center, Mint Hill, NC
- Romie and Judy Mizell Photography Show, April 2023
- The 2022 Annual Litaker Show
The Light Factory Photo Arts Center, Charlotte, NC
- 2018 Members' Show
- 2020 Members’ Show
Washington University School of Medicine Arts Commission, St. Louis, MO
- Farrell Learning and Teaching Center
. 2006 Art Show
. 2007 Art Show
Olivette Parks & Recreation, Olivetti, MO
- 2006 Art Show
Featured On
"HOLIDAYS: Your Holiday Pictures", William C. Hutton Jr., Le Journal DE LA Photographie
"Ode to My Trainers: How Artists Glorified their Shoes and Other Sole Sentiments", Tuesday's Art
Blog in London, Momardi
"The Luck Exhibit", LenScratch
"The Flance House 1959", Mid-Century Modern Freak